I wanted to write something on design schemes and furniture for your pets. There are so many crazy, cute and exciting things to buy for your pets and I am going to fill you in on some of the coolest and cutest functional designs I have seen or found. If you come across any of your own, please comment with your own (possibly with a link on where to purchase the item.) Each picture below if clicked on will bring you to the website where you can purchase it.
One of the most common items for a cat would be a Cat Tree. These are great for climbing, scratching and being able to reach higher places (like sitting on the cat tree by a window and bathing in the sunlight). Cat Trees break down to other furniture such as Cat Steps, Towers, Condos, and Scratching Posts. (I am not making any profit listing these, this is for your own reference and I am just impressed by the items enough to link for them).

This little house doubles as a Dog or a Cat House. I loved the bed on the top. If you have both a dog and a cat and they get along, what a great piece to add for both of them. It costs a little over $100 but it is handmade in nice wood stained beautifully.


This Cat Hammock attached to a cat tree is one of my favorites. It’s a great company called Dr. Foster & Smith which sell GREAT pet supplies.


Here’s a great addition to any window – The Kitty Sill


One of the things I wanted to show everyone was the cat tent my roommate got for Tag Kitty but I don’t think Ikea sells that anymore unfortunately. If you really like it maybe you can find it on EBay or something sometime but I have to show it anyways… here is Tag in his tent.


I love the look of these Dog items:


I love this modern looking Dog house.


Great Dog bed with rollers, such a great design.


This wall mounted fish tank is so stylish and cool!


HGTV has a whole section on room designs for pets. Check it out here!

Right down the road from me this animal shelter had a photo on their website of a cat in his very “own” room which I thought was cute. Click on the photo to read the article.


Yet another cat room:


Hope you enjoyed all these ideas and I hope you splurge on your pet… they deserve it!!